Goals and Objectives
Our goal is to transform our vision into reality. We plan on achieving this by providing structure, guidance and real life role models, in an environment that is based upon the guidelines and teachings of Tomchei T'mimim.
An understanding that Torah and Chassidic values, as taught by the Rebbe, are the basis for decisions in life:
Torah is not merely a book of academic learning. It is, as the Rebbe repeated again and again, מלשון הוראה – a guide to instruct us in our daily lives. The Mesivta curriculum, the Farbrengens, and in-Yeshiva mivtzos are structured around the ideals and הנחות we want to impart to our talmidim. The Mesivta faculty makes it a priority to point out the practical הוראות they have found, and more importantly, to train and guide each talmid to find and apply the הוראות on his own.
A love of life-long learning and teaching:
For a talmid to develop a love for learning, it is critical for him to have the skills to be able to read, understand, and analyze the subjects he is studying. Mesivta of Coral Springs has designed a structured and sequenced curriculum for the talmid that focuses on building and developing the necessary skills appropriate for his level. The Talmid does not just learn; he learns how to learn.
The Mesivta faculty meets on a consistent basis with the talmid to discuss his learning expectations and goals, guiding him to succeed. Each מגיד שיעור is passionate about learning, and understands that a necessary part of being a Chassid is learning תורה, both נגלה and חסידות. The talmid realizes this, by observing the enthusiasm of his מגידי שיעור as they teach. There are also optional shiurim in the מגידי שיעור’s homes, which imparts to the talmid that teaching תורה is not just his מגיד שיעור’s job – rather, it’s his life.
A commitment to a lifestyle directed by הלכה that is infused withיראת שמים and אהבת ישראל.
Mesivta of Coral Springs has developed its הלכה curriculum based on learning levels and Halachic knowledge, as opposed to age. The emphasis in these שיעורים is on guiding the talmidim to apply the הלכה to practical situations. Once every month a Rov will come and discuss with the talmidim different Halachic topics. There are also question and answer sessions of all the שאלות that the talmidim have gathered over the course of that month’s learning.
A commitment to fulfill the שליחות of making a דירה בתחתונים.
Our ultimate mandate is to achieve the כוונת הבריאה. Starting from the עניני גאולה ומשיח שיעורים which are structured around unique worksheets created by the Mesivta of Coral Springs, and continuing in various mivtza’im, farbrengens, and ideas brought out in other שיעורים, the talmidim are guided to recognize and adopt the goal of making a דירה בתחתונים their own. The Talmidim are provided with the opportunity to help and work with Shluchim on many occasions, and observe in action those who have devoted their lives to making a דירה בתחתונים.